• Schurman Tank Hockey League

Check Comments

Ryan Schurman

Round 2 Starts now and ends Aug 23, 11:00 AM EST.

FA Round 1 Results
Round 1 Results

• 0 teams Like this  3 years
John Vonk Can I ask how some gms managed to overbid on players by 50-75% of their actual nhl deal? The rules were not follows by staying as close to the nhl salary . What is e point of a write up if someone players didn’t respect that ?

3 years  0 teams Like this
Ryan Schurman i go nhl salary, sometime i will go over by 800K to 1M, depends on write up, other offers and etc. write ups help decide things sometimes. I'm actually tired of gm's complaining...

3 years  0 teams Like this
John Vonk Consistency was the point I was point I was trying to make. I’m sorry if I ruffled feathers. If the money is not going to close to the nhl, then noted. Keep up the great work sir.

3 years  0 teams Like this
Ryan Schurman No worries, man. 1M is still close and not outrageous. There has to be some flex way there, some will take nhl, some a bit less, some a bit more. Need the flexibility to help the players sign. i

3 years  0 teams Like this