• Schurman Tank Hockey League

RFA Extensions


Everyone can now start Sending in their RFA Offers to the Agent.  There are not too many left.
Here is the link for Team's RFA's.


*UFA's will be done later. (thinking after long weekend)*


Sending in RFA / UFA Offers:
When Sending in Bids for the RFA's and UFA's, please email:  sthlfa@hotmail.com
The League has hired a Player agent in Charge and his Identity will remain annonymous.
Players may sign with a team for various reasons. Contract Length, Location, Money, if played for the team in the past, know someone one on the team, how much ice time a players gets and etc... 
When Sending in Bids for Players please use the following format:

Subjet: STHL - Team Name - RFA / UFA Bids

In the Message please include the following:

Players Name:
Current Salary (NHL):
Current Team (NHL): 
Salary Offer:
Contract Length: (max 4 years)
Comments:   (more comments during the UFA open market, better chance of getting the player)

FAQ / Concerns:

The Agent is gonna be Fair.
Keep in mind that UFA's  and RFA’s in the STHL will be looking for similar money to what they are making in the NHL.