• Schurman Tank Hockey League

League Startup


I know it hasn't been that long since i retired.  But As i took a much neede break and time to clear my head, I realized the following:

I still enjoy sitting on the computer and doing hockey league stuff and like researching players to keep me up to date with all the players in the nhl. 
I found myself this summer enjoying doing that, and since i still made time for that, i figure i would still enjoy running a hockey league.  I like fooling around with web stuff and etc.  But its only gonna be the portal.  If it fails or somehow we get malware on the portal, then the league will need to find a similar set up or fold.  i ain't going back to the sths outputs we had last year.  I realized how bad i missed the portal. Other leagues are still using the portal and no issues. Rather just keep going with it and see how long it goes.  And Finally, i can't take on 3 leagues anymore.  Cutting back to 1 will be huge. This is a chance to regroup and only run 1 league.  I am sure i Can handle one league after much thought.  3 is too much and i am sure u all agree.
I got the website till early 2021 from previous donations.  When time comes up again it be great to see everyone pitch in for website fees.  10 dollars each goes a long way.  Thats not much for a year or more of entertainment.  I already got lifetime ratings.


There will be a few new rule changes, please review them all.  (Especailly UFA age and cutoff date)

All Gm's Are required to Login to the STHL Website  Once A Month.  If not you will be given a Notice and/or Removed from the League.

All  GMs Must get Disscord and use it.  Get the app thru google. Once you get it setup, let me know and i will send u the invite to the chat channel.  This will be our Main source for league trade nights and drafts.  As well this will be our way of messaging GM’s about offers.  The Portal can be used but it doesn’t work the greatest for chatting.

Please sign up on forum.   http://1thl.proboards.com/

All Salaries and Cotracts are NHL to start. All Contracts that exceeded 4 years in the NHL have been reduced to 4 years in the STHL.  (Since 4 years is the league Max.)

League Index:  http://sthl.gphl.ca/File/2019-PreSeason/STHL-index.html